Real Estate

Real Estate Data
That Gets Results

We help real estate teams innovate faster and simplify decision-making with our configurable data collection solution.

Shinrai dashboard for real estate use case showing bedroom apartment prices

Real Estate Data Extraction Solutions

Recommendation Engine

Leverage AI to provide superior real estate recommendations adapted to each user’s preferences by showing them the best matching offerings.


Price optimization allows you strategically analyze current market data at scale and gain insights from similar properties to price competitively and more effectively.

Monitor Social

Develop a more targeted marketing strategy and easily understand what your potential customers need by collecting sentiment from Twitter and Facebook to online forums at scale.

Prediction &

Navigate the complex landscape of Multiple Listing Service with ease by automating the data collection process to gain quick and easy access to listed properties.

Property Valuations

Develop accurate property valuations more efficiently by leveraging big data to evaluate thousands of comparable properties, identify market trends and real-time changes in your area.

Monitor Store

Automate the process of gathering store location data at scale and stay updated about expansions and closures.

Leverage AI to provide superior real estate recommendations adapted to each user’s preferences by showing them the best matched offerings.
Price optimization allows you strategically analyze current market data at scale and gain insights from similar properties to price competitively and more effectively.
Develop a more targeted marketing strategy and easily understand what your potential customers need by collecting sentiment from Twitter, Facebook to online forums at scale.
Navigate the complex landscape of the Multiple Listing Service with ease by automating the data collection process to gain quick and easy access to listed properties.
Develop accurate property valuations more efficiently by leveraging big data to evaluate thousands of comparable properties, identify market trends and real-time changes in your area.
Automate the process of gathering store location data at scale and stay updated about expansions and closures.

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For Something Else?

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screenshot of Shinrai dashboard for a real estate use case